Curious and Free is a homeschool consulting company based in Virginia Beach, serving families across the state of Virginia. Our mission is to empower and equip families along their child's learning journey. We work closely with homeschooling families and conduct end of year evaluations and testing, providing a Proof of Progress letter for their school district, along with tips and recommendations for their child's education. Families who are interested in homeschooling are provided with guidance, helping them launch their family school and create the best adventure of their life! The world is our classroom, and it can be yours too!
With a Master’s degree in reading and elementary education, an undergraduate degree in special education, and a current Virginia teaching license, Holly Schoos provides unique insight from the perspective of an experienced teacher and a homeschooling mom. She has extensive experience working with kids with dyslexia, ADHD, autism and those who are gifted as well. She is devoted to helping children reach their fullest potential.
because the world is our classroom.
1 hr
50 US dollars1 hr
see description1 hr
$75/meetingLoading days...
150 US dollars20 min

What's YOUR
homeschool question?

About me...
Hi there! I'm Holly Schoos (pronounced shoes). I am a wife and mama of 3, a certified Virginia teacher, and former public school teacher. I love learning something new every day, reading a book I just can't put down, tending to our garden with my kids, seeing their latest creation and being outside as much as possible. Our family learning focuses on real-world experiences, our children's interests (and mine!), and some skills we simply need to work on.